Public Relations

Here's a link to download the Style Guide for Paducah Public Schools.
If you a faculty or staff member of Paducah Public Schools, here is a One Drive link to the district logo files.
What are the Brand Colors for Paducah Public Schools?
If you are ordering shirts or creating print or online graphics, the blue that we want to use on a consistent basis is PMS 293 C.
Primary Color: Pantone PMS 293 C
RGB: R:000 G:061 B:165
HEX: 003DA5
CMYK: C:100 M:076 Y000 K:009
A complementary shade of blue is Pantone PMS 299C.
RGB: R:000 G:163 B:224
HEX: 00A3E0
CMYK: C: 079 M: 007 Y: 000 K: 000
Please see below for more information.

PPS Branding Guild Color Palettes