FRYSC Word Bubble

A message from the Family Resource & Youth Services Coalition of Kentucky  
in collaboration w/ the Kentucky Division of Family Resource & Youth Services Centers :

The devastation of this weekend’s tornadoes is catastrophic and unimaginable. A large swath of damage and destruction cuts across the Commonwealth. The FRYSCKY Coalition acknowledges that coordinators across the state are ready and willing to offer assistance, but are also looking for direction for how to best help.  The Coalition Board also realizes that for those centers closest to the affected centers already have relationships with their neighboring centers and have already jumped to action.  However, we also acknowledge there are many more who want to help, but are not feasibly capable of collecting items and driving them to the west.  Therefore, after connecting with some coordinators in the hardest hit areas over the weekend, we have developed a list of the immediate needs. We also understand this will be a long term recovery and many needs will extend far behind the immediate support provided by the Red Cross and emergency support agencies.  You can help with the immediate and/or the long-term needs.  Please see details here: