Dear Paducah Community members,
You are invited to click the link below to complete a survey of the Paducah Public School District. The survey was created by the University of Kentucky and Civil Rights Institute for community members. The goal of the survey is to continue to gather information on how to better serve students from the community’s perspective. The survey is anonymous, and no names are needed to complete the paper or online copy.
There is also a paper copy of the survey that can be completed as well. We are in the process of providing five lockbox locations in the community where paper surveys can be submitted. We will have those locations available as soon as possible if you want to complete a paper survey.

The Paducah Board of Education will hold a brief special meeting at 12 noon September 9, 2021.
Meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room, 500 South 25th Street in Paducah.
Agenda: https://5il.co/ymeb

A huge congratulations to Doug Van Fleet who has been awarded the First District KMEA Citation for Service for the 2020-21 school year! This is a great honor so please congratulate Mr. Van Fleet if you see him!

You are invited to take part in a Community Focus Group that will be hosted by the University of Kentucky for the Paducah Public Schools equity audit. Our Community forums will provide an opportunity for families, community partners, and district employees to talk together about what matters to them about student achievement, discipline, graduation, school climate, and other topics. See the attached flyer for forum dates, locations, and registration information.

Here's a link to our lunch menus. This will be the link we will use for menus going forward. To see a menu, you will select your school(s) and select the menu(es) you want to see.

The regular meeting of the Paducah Board of Education will be 5:00 p.m. Monday, August 16, 2021 in the Innovation Hub, 500 South 25th Street, Paducah.
In order to keep the Board and the public safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, seating will be limited on a first-come basis to members of the public in addition to media.
Please wear facial coverings and practice social distancing. The meeting will be posted on the district Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/PaducahPublicSchools

Paducah Public Schools are seeking bus drivers and monitors. If you're a good driver who wants to join us in the mission of knowing each and every student by name and need, complete an application here : https://www.paducah.kyschools.us/page/employment

Taking an AP class this year? Learn strategies for a successful AP experience at PTHS AP Boot Camp Monday & Tuesday, August 2-3, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch provided. See the QR code on the flyer to register.

A special meeting of the Paducah Board of Education will be held at 6:30 pm Tuesday, July 27 at the Paducah Innovation Hub, 500 S. 25th Street in Paducah, Kentucky.
The community is encouraged to attend and offer input on the district’s spending plan for the federal emergency relief funds (American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief).

Paducah Schools Bus #21 was involved in a accident at the intersection of I-24 and Lone Oak Road this morning when a car coming off of I-24 ran a red light, hit another car, and then grazed the bus. The bus sustained light damage to the bumper. There were no injuries to the students or adults on the bus.Transportation Director Steve Spraggs and PTHS Allison Stieg are at the scene of the accident. The bus was transporting cheerleaders from PTHS to Marshall County. A photo of the damage to the bus is attached.

The federal government has released its third round of emergency relief funds known as APR ESSER (American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief) funds. We would like your input in developing our plan to use the funds to help meet the needs of our students. Please complete this survey by Monday, July 26.

The Paducah Football Association will host their 2nd annual golf scramble at Drake Creek on Friday, July 30. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.

Here's the Paducah Middle Supply List for 2021-22

Freshman and sophomore students & parents, join us for an orientation and bootcamp at PTHS on Wednesday, July 21st. RSVP with an e-mail to: ronnie.stroud@paducah.kyschools.us See the attached graphic for times and details.

The Paducah Board of Education will meet Monday, July 19 at 5:00 PM at the Paducah Innovation Hub. Click here to download the agenda: https://5il.co/vibt

Parents/Guardians of Students of Paducah Independent School District,
Do you reside within the Paducah Independent School District and need school bus transportation?
To sign up for transportation services, you will need to create a parent account on our new web-based transportation portal here: https://www.ezrouting.com/paducah
To see complete instructions, see our news story here: https://paducahpublicschoolsky.sites.thrillshare.com/article/493896

Here's the correct version of the 21-22 school calendar. Some older versions are on the new web site. The correct start date for school is August 18.

Parents, NEW STUDENT registration is now available. If you are registering a student that is new to Paducah Public Schools and you have an e-mail address, use this link to begin registration: https://kycde5.infinitecampus.org/campus/OLRLogin/paducah
Once your application is approved, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to set up your Campus Parent Portal. This portal allows you to monitor your student's grades and attendance in real time.
If you do not have an e-mail address and need to register your new student, please use this link: https://kycde5.infinitecampus.org/.../OLRLoginKiosk/paducah

Here is a link to the Paducah Board of Education regular meeting, which was held on June 21, 2021. https://youtu.be/o2P_B3l28aQ

Leeman Bennett (ATHS '56) who played football at Tilghman, the University of Kentucky and went on to be head coach of the Atlanta Falcons, will be inducted into the Kentucky Pro Football Hall of Fame this weekend. Congratulations! http://kyprofootballhof.org